Spanish National Research Council

Sentence by a Jewish court in Pamplona, concerning the inheritance of Salomon ha-Levi of Tafalla, 1489 (Pamplona, Royal and General Archives)

101 collection descriptions


Lead researcher: Javier Castaño

The Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – CSIC) is the most important state-funded research institution in Spain. The School of Hebrew Studies within CSIS was established in 1941 in order to foster research on the Hispano-Jewish and Sephardic heritage. As a member of the Yerusha network, CSIC has surveyed some of the most important late medieval archival collections concerning Jews in Spain, as well as sources covering the modern re-establishment of Jewish presence in the country. The geographical scope of the project includes the regions of Aragon and Catalonia, Navarre, and Castile.

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